Not only the flexible custom-made solutions of Impaqed Products make the difference. Our way of cooperating with our clients also offers a lot of added value. 

We will first listen to you and ask important questions: How do you or your customers use your vehicles? What do you actually want to do with the data generated by TPMS? How do you want to analyse it and what purpose does it serve for your business? In short, the specific situation and working methods of the customer in all its facets are central. The ideal starting point for 100% customization of your TPMS solution.

Specific approach per target group

Impaqed Products works for several target groups of customers, each with their own technical approach and interests. We would like to briefly explain our working method for each target group.

Transporters: how are your drivers trained to deal with TPMS? What is their awareness of this specific area? What exactly are you going to do with the TPMS data you have collected? What do you want to achieve in terms of efficiency, cost savings and especially safety? Questions based on which Impaqed Products together with you will put together the best possible practical TPMS solution.

Truck manufacturers: how can we really efficiently integrate TPMS into your assembly and or production process? Are there any pre-assemblies where TPMS has to be fitted? And above all: what are the customer-specific requirements of your clients who place a TPMS order? A complex matter which Impaqed Products gladly explains and guides you through. With our deliveries we can seamlessly connect to the processes of truck manufacturers.

Dealers: how do you deal with your customers’ wishes for TPMS? What information can you provide in the sales and service process? What knowledge do you already have in this specialist area? And how do you lead your customer to the perfect TPMS choice? On all these questions, and more, Impaqed Products provides important answers. If desired, we can even carry out an inventory together with your client.

Telematics companies: Telematics companies are getting more and more demand to integrate tyre pressure monitoring in their platform. If they link the TPMS of Impaqed Products to this, this provides them with added value towards their end-users because monitoring and analysing the pressure and temperature data provides very valuable information not only about the tyres, but also about the brakes and wheel bearings. The cooperation in this is clear and synergetic: Impaqed Products provides the system for TPMS and the telematics company facilitates the transmission of the data generated by this system by including this option in their user interface. Every form of cooperation is possible, please feel free to consult us.

100% integrity with long-term and consistent business relationships

As you can see, Impaqed Products serves multiple levels in the business chain, from producer to telematics company. In doing so, we have for years kept our integrity in dealing with various channels separate, pure and transparent. The often confidential information and data that we acquire during our contacts are always kept confidential and handled with the utmost care. The many long-term and consistent business relationships we have established are living proof of this.

Your culture is important to us

Impaqed Products is active in countries throughout the EU. Naturally, there are commercial cultural differences within these countries. We Europeans know the country-specific subtleties and conform to them. We can do this by drawing on our long experience in all corners of Europe. That is why we enjoy our literally borderless cooperation.

Impaqed Products

Korenmolen 24

8124 BA Wesepe

The Netherlands



+31 (0)55 360 08 64